The Courage to Your Magnum Opus

Greatness requires bold action and willingness to stand alone.

Your Faith

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Martin Luther

Deep in your heart, you feel you have something of note, something important to do in this life you are granted. Perhaps that is buried so deep in your soul that you have forgotten what that might be. When you were younger, did you dream of doing something, of being somebody?

I used to stare at the sun, seemingly so close yet far away — an apt analogy to the dreams in my heart — so near, yet so distant. I pondered my life. I felt extremely depressed at the ripe age of 11. I felt some hope, but I felt more despair. I thought about the struggles of life and felt it was too hard. Perhaps I could make it all disappear if I stepped out into busy traffic. But I didn't want to make my mom sad or disappoint her. So, I thought about what I could do in life to make it meaningful.

The answer came to me at 14; I became so ill that I could not walk or move, and at that point, I resolved to become a medical doctor. I knew. I believed I was going to be a doctor right then and there. Nothing was going to stop me.

My faith drove me from age 14 until I became a doctor at age 30. Even though I failed to get into medical school immediately after my undergraduate degree, I still believed I would eventually get in—even if it took another four years. The failure fueled me to think, act, and pray even harder. I was accepted a year later.

Find your faith in life, and you will conquer any fears or doubts.

Your Vision

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What visions have you had?
What visions have become deeply embedded in your heart?

  • In 1984, at age 14, I saw that I would become a medical doctor.

  • In 1993, at age 23, I saw thatI would become an Internet entrepreneur.

  • In 2000, at age 30, I saw that I would build a great media company in 20-30 years.

  • In 2017, I saw that crypto would be a big trust layer of the Internet.

  • In 2018, I saw that NVIDIA would be an essential part of singularity and traded my Google stock for NVIDIA.

  • In 2018, I also saw that I would make a Broadway musical and movie in 10 years.

  • In 2019, I saw that I would be co-owner of a pro cycling team, helping Canadian riders.

  • In 2024, I saw that I would create a great AI company.

  • What do I see in 2025? That is the question I ask, think and pray about in January.

What do you see for your life?
What visions do you have?
How strongly do you believe in your visions?

Alfred Hitchcock visualized all of his movies. Then, he wrote the scripts and described the visual scenes on paper. Then he shot the film.

Jordan Peele said the same thing for his movie ‘Get Out’. He visualized it every night.

What do you visualize and see for your life?

What Edison Visualized

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Thomas Edison

Many people know Thomas Edison, who was sent home from school because he had learning difficulties. His mother told him, "Your teacher says you are a genius, and this school is too small for you. They don't have the resources to teach someone as brilliant as you, so I will teach you at home."

But his teacher's note said that he was 'addled,' meaning he was mentally deficient and not fit for the school. His mother homeschooled him and fostered his sense of curiosity and love of learning.

Learning implies that failure or not knowing is essential, and curiosity eventually reveals the truth.

In 1877, at 30, Edison had a vision for a recorder that could play back telephone messages.

"I want to record the human voice and have it speak back."

How determined was he?

"I am going to invent a machine that will record and reproduce sound, and I will do it if it takes the rest of my life."

Amazingly, it took him less than a year, but he resolved to do it, even if it took him the rest of his life.

After that, he went to work on the light bulb.

Edison said he found 10,000 ways that won't light up the light bulb. He didn’t say he failed. He was determined to find a way. How many more times was he willing to ‘not succeed’? How did he have the courage to continue?

He had a great vision and great faith that he would find a way. He had great courage to continue to learn and experiment.

And what was his vision? He saw a city of lights. In an era where candles were the only source of light at night, he saw an electrical system. It became his quest to deliver on his vision of a city of lights that inspired him to invent the light bulb.

"We will make electricity so cheap that only the rich will burn candles."

Do you have the vision, the faith and the courage to dedicate your life to your dream?

Courage is sacrifice and acting despite your doubts and fears.

The courage to act comes from the roots of your faith and your vision.You must stand and believe in yourself and what you dream in your heart.

Faith requires steady, consistent actions to make your dream a reality. A miracle is just speeding up the time to be miraculous, and time is sped up with faith, vision, and action.

Visualize Your Vision

Just two big reminders:

  1. Your heart is your soul's eyes. Look and see from your heart.

  2. Have faith in you. Have faith in your vision. This faith is in your heart and not in your head.

See your Magnum Opus, believe in your Magnum Opus, live your Magnum Opus and be your Magnum Opus.

Today’s Life Question:

See your life from your heart, not your eyes and your current reality. This is how greatness is born. It's born in your heart and then seen in the world.

Dr. Kevin Ham

What are the visions of your life?

  • Every night, dream and visualize it.

  • Upon waking, daydream, visualize and pray about it.

  • Write them down in your notebook.

  • Write them down in your Notes on your mobile phone.

  • Just one or two sentences like Edison did.

Next week:
Relentless Iteration to Mastery

Greatness is a process of constant refinement from failure to discovery.

Step by step walk the thousand-mile road.

Miyamoto Musashi

See you next Thursday!

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Relentless Iteration to Mastery


The 10 Obstacles Holding You Back From Your Magnum Opus