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When I was 29, I found myself stuck in life. I no longer wanted to practice medicine — my dream since age 14. I made a big decision to leave medicine and pursue digital entrepreneurship.

That was in 1999. Now I’m 53 and reflect on the many Life Lessons I had to learn on my own. I wished I had a mentor back then to help me along the way.

Perhaps you are stuck and looking for a change. Perhaps you are dreaming of greater wealth or better health. Or, maybe you are ready to start something new.

These LIFE LESSONS allowed me to grow in unimaginable ways and I wish that they help you along your journey too.

Compounding Wisdom: Wealth & Health

Life Question: Is This What I Want to do for the Rest of My Life?

Wisdom is learned:
By reflection, the noblest
By imitation, the easiest
By experience, the bitterest
- Confucius

And by mentors, the wisest
- Ham

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