Becoming a Renaissance (Wo)Man

You are made to unify wisdom from all walks of life liberally.

You are neither just reason nor just rhyme. You are an epic poem in time.

To my dear friend, Rob T.,

When you didn't show up for lunch on Monday, I knew something was wrong. Something was so gravely wrong that I felt profoundly sad all day Monday and Tuesday. Today, I heard what happened.

When your business partner called me this morning, I knew my intuition was right. He told me you passed away in your home in San Francisco before your flight up to Vancouver. Just the day before, on Sunday morning, you texted, "Great…. Looking forward to it. See you then." You were such a wonderful person. I will miss you so much. You were only 58 and so full of life.

What is life when such moments come upon you? Each breath is so precious, and each life is ever more precious.

You are whole. You are human. You are soul. You are spirit. The psyche is the mind. You have two sides to you: logic (with sense and reason) and creativity (with imagination and innovation). Most people are right-handed, so the left of their brain, the logic side, develops more. We say, "It makes so much sense." "That's reasonable."

But we are creatures, creative beings who dream, imagine, make these dreams reality, and innovate. We aspire to what might not make sense, be reasonable, or be logical. This is the heart of the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial spirit.

Which side do you lean on? I believe that we should develop both sides to realize our full potential. Those who do this are called "Renaissance men and women."

What is Renaissance?

Renaissance means rebirth. You must be reborn, like a caterpillar from its cocoon to a flying monarch adorn.

Dr. Kevin Ham

Leonardo da Vinci was trying to find a job when he was young. For ten paragraphs, he touted his engineering abilities to design bridges, waterways, cannons, buildings, and military engines. In the eleventh paragraph, he wrote, "Likewise in painting, I can do everything possible." Da Vinci is the perfect example of a Renaissance Man who mirrored the "infinite works of nature" that knit together the world in a tapestry of wonderful mathematical patterns with beauty and creativity.

You, too, have this within you. Both a scientific and engineering mind and a creative, artistic mind. The left and the right. Imagine if you were taught to use both the left and right hand to write? The left hand taps and develops the right creative side of your brain, and the right hand develops your brain's logical, scientific side. It is not that we are incapable; we haven't developed these two sides of ourselves evenly or with intention and practice. Even now, you can develop these parts within yourself to a much higher level.

I grew up with a creative mind and a musical spirit. Still, when I received a C+ in art, I decided to no longer take any courses in the arts that might affect my grades, as I believed at that young age it was essential to focus on mastering the sciences so I could get into medical school. Looking back, I wish I had a liberal arts education as an undergrad, as medical school was all science, logic, and process, with very little invention, art and creativity. I have this strong internal desire to excel in music and develop some musical and artistic masterpieces, even though I am a novice in these fields, having only played the piano for ten years.

The Generalist is the Specialist

Go deep like a microscope and see far like a telescope.

Dr. Kevin Ham

I had to decide whether to be a specialist or a generalist. I loved all the specialties as they delved deeper into each part of human health. Pediatrician if I wanted to work with children. Maybe a Geneticist, as I loved genetics. Surgery is known for its fast pace and immediate outcomes for patients. Oncology was interesting because cancer was/is such a devastating disease. Ophthalmology because the eye made an impression on me. However, I chose family medicine because I could learn about everything and meet so many people with so many different types of health issues. It allowed me to think about the whole person. Not just the body but also their soul and their spirit. About nutrition, exercise, the environment, family history, and genetics.

Steve Jobs took a calligraphy class he wasn't even enrolled in. This led to his love of typography and fonts, which became core to the beauty of the Apple computer. What if he hadn't taken this class? What would Apple products look like?

Which Voice Should You Listen to?

Which Voice Should You Listen to?

Prayer is the voice of the heart asking to be heard.

Dr. Kevin Ham

A Renaissance person is a holistic person, with a big worldview, with multiple points of philosophy that may seem to be opposing but fit in the construct of the imagination. Sometimes, the path that does not seem reasonable or make sense is the path that should be taken. That is the voice of the human heart. The voice of the logical mind cannot make rhyme or reason of such voice. So, which voice do you listen to?

In such times, I ask to "sleep and pray on it before making a decision." My logical mind and past experience already lead me to a decision, but I wish to give time and space to my heart to hear her voice, which quietly whispers and feels. People are often surprised because I follow my heart, which does not seem rational at that moment, but after the heart's decisions are all laid out in plain sight, it usually makes sense.

The senses operate from logic and avoid risk and danger.

The heart operates from love, compassion, generosity and grace and is willing to sacrifice itself.

Never Give Up on You

Just a big reminder:

  • You are one of life's greatest creations. You are here for many reasons. Cherish life.

See your Magnum Opus, believe in your Magnum Opus, live your Magnum Opus and be your Magnum Opus.

Today’s Life Question:

Of all life’s beauties, there is none more beautiful than your human heart.

Dr. Kevin Ham

  1. What can you do to develop your heart and mind more fully?
    • Choose one thing:

    • Heart: love, generosity, compassion, meekness, humility, kindness, or nobility.

    • Mind: Reason, memory, perception, imagination, intuition or will.

Next week:
Don’t Miss Your Window of Opportunity

Timing is everything and the best decisions discern time, place and person.

Most times things don’t make sense, but it is the right moment in time to embrace the irrational and follow your heart.

See you next Thursday!

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Resilience in Adversity